Most of eRoka's programming solutions are custom made for specific needs of our partners. Besides the products made for specific needs of our partner we also make products sold by eRoka. We provide public products with a very good price/performance ratio.
Kartomat is an ATM for selling cinema, train, parking and other tickets. It is a machine made by Roka and it is the first cinema ticket selling machine in SLovenia.
Parent Alerter
Parent Alerter is a program used in schools. It alerts pupils and their parents about the school events by SMS messages. For this program we are looking for distributers in Europe. If you are interested, let us know!
Interests calculator
For smaller companies in Slovenia we made a simple program for calculating interests for behindhanders with their payments. As we are supportive to smaller entrepreneurs, the program is totaly free.
Biogetic is an emitter of positive energy and your personal motivator! It uses electrical circuits of your mobile phone to emit positive vibrations and is made in mobile java technology.
EasyTracker is vehicle tracking solution for managing vehicle fleets. EasyTracker can easily locate any tracked vehicle. With EasyTracker you can lower your expensies and save on time.
Public transport operation optimisation
Can you do more for your passengers? Is your service optimal and on time? Optimize your operations with help of our expert with worldwide experience in public transportation business (US, Europe, Asia). Service is offered using Skype.