As the kiosks must not make a mistake we use
reliable hardware components in the kiosks. Additional ports are
built on a computer system so that all of the hardware is controlled
simultaneously in real-time. Using a multi-user (SQL) database many
kiosks can operate at the same time without disturbing each other.
No mistakes occur if two customers want to buy a ticket for the
same seat at the same time.
A ticket machine consists of vital parts:
- Touch Screen Monitor (19")
- Pentium IV Computer
- Network Interface
- Note Acceptor/Coin Acceptor
- Note Dispenser/Coin Dispenser
- M-Pay system
- Credit card acceptor
- Thermal Ticket Printer
- Uniterrupted Power Supply
We have reliable distributors of the mentioned hardware, as it is
vital for kiosks to operate faultless. |